Hello lovely readers! Today Justina Thompson from Red Coral Fertility shares here thoughts with us on why women are Ditching the Pill and switching to the Fertility Awareness Method:
Have you ever felt like the birth control pill is the only good option despite feeling like a different person while taking it? Or maybe you gained a puzzling amount of weight post partum only to realize your mini-pill was the culprit?
You are not alone.
According to a study published in Contraception, 47% of women discontinue use of oral contraceptive pills within the first year of use. (1) The top reasons cited include emotional side effects like depression, worsening of PMS, and a vanished sex drive. Additionally, abnormal weight gain is one of the most reported side effects by women taking the mini-pill after giving birth. Hormonal birth control introduces artificial hormones into the body to prevent pregnancy (and/or to treat reproductive health). (2) All hormonal contraceptives contain artificial versions of our natural hormones and work to overpower our natural cycles. Included in this category are not only oral pills, but also all hormonal devices like the patch, ring, shot, implant, and the hormonal IUD. For brevity, the remainder of the information will reference all hormonal birth control with the term “the Pill.”
The body does not know what to do with artificial hormones in the body and as a result the endocrine system is impacted and side effects surface. In addition to the side effects listed above, the Pill increases the risk for blood clots, strokes, heart disease, infertility, severe nutrient depletion, glaucoma and cancer of the liver, breasts, and cervix. (
Personally, the negative experience I had with taking the Pill, like most women, was not obvious for quite some time. As months passed, I thought my emotional and physical descent were “just a phase” or proof that “I wasn't trying hard enough.” I’m not the only one. More and more women are speaking up boldly about the side effects and health problems they encountered while using the Pill. Author and researcher Holly Grigg-Spall recently wrote the book Sweetening the Pill: How We Got Hooked on Birth Control and explains her story to The Independent in an article called: “Why I’ll Never Take the Pill Again.” In the last year, many other bold women have shared their experience and research. Here are a few of their testimonies:
- 5 Things I Learned When I Stopped Taking the Pill
- Is the Birth Control Pill Worth It?
- 5 Reasons I’ll Never Take Another Birth Control Pill
- Everything You Need to Know About the Pill
Yes the Pill sucks, but Is It The Only Good Option?
One of the most popular being the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM). Human Reproduction published a research study proving that FAM is over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly, which is as effective as oral contraceptives. (5)
What is FAM?
- FAM is based on the observation and charting of two scientifically proven fertility signs that determine whether or not a woman is fertile (capable of getting pregnant) on any given day.
- FAM is NOT the rhythm method previous generations used. The rhythm method predicts when a woman will ovulate and is therefore ineffective, but FAM is based on daily observation ofa woman’s two fertility signs:Cervical Fluid (CF) and Basal Body Temperature (BBT).
Unfortunately, these fertility signs are not something we learn about in sex and health education class. However, women who take a workshop from a qualified teacher learn the facts and develop confidence to practice FAM effectively and accurately.
What to Rely on After Pregnancy?
What about those taking the Pill to Treat Symptoms?
Much of the alternative realm of health care approaches the imbalance of a female's hormones in a holistic way. Instead of pumping artificial hormones into the body to treat the symptoms of irregular cycles, natural health care practitioners look at the whole person and seek the underlying cause. That way, a woman can begin taking steps to heal the actual problem with natural therapies and can be on her way to maintaining healthy cycles, periods, and fertility. Learning to chart with FAM is a wonderful first step in the journey of taking back control of your health so that feeling great and vibrant is your new norm!
The Top 5 Reasons Women are Ditching the Pill for FAM:
- It Works. FAM is over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy when used correctly. Take a workshop to learn the facts while developing the confidence to use FAM most effectively.
- No Side Effects. Not only is FAM over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy, it’s also 100% natural meaning no artificial hormones and no side effects.
- Cost Free. Beyond the one time class fee and an inexpensive thermometer, FAM is a no cost birth control! (Prescription birth controls can cost up to $1,600 per year).
- Body Knowledge. Being a woman can feel like a mystery, but not anymore. Learning in depth info about the female cycle including hormones, energy, and emotions deepens a woman’s self awareness on a whole new level.
- Empowerment=Confidence. Knowing one’s body on a deeper level empowers a woman to have greater confidence in all areas of life: work, relationships, self-image, sex, and health.
1. Sanders, SA, Graham, CA, Bass, JL, & Bancroft, J. (2001). A prospective study of the effects of oral contraceptives on sexuality and well-being and their relationship to discontinuation. Contraception, 64(1), 51-58. Retrieved from URL.
2. Norethindrone Related Abnormal Weight Gain. (2012). DrugInformer, by aculus, LLC. Retrieved from URL.3. Bennett, J & Pope, A. (2008). The Pill: Are You Sure It’s Right For You? Austrailia. Allen & Unwin.
4. Grant, E. (1985). The Bitter Pill: How Safe is the Perfect Contraception? Elm Tree Books.
5. Frank-Herrmann, P., Heil, J., Gnoth, C., Toledo, E., Baur, S., Pyper…Freundl, G. (2007). The effectiveness of a fertility awareness based method to avoid pregnancy in relation to a couple's sexual behaviour during the fertile time: a prospective longitudinal study. Human Reproduction, (22)5, 1310-1319. Retrieved from URL.
Wanting to learn more about FAM? Here are a few books I would highly recommend checking out:
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Cycle Savvy: The Smart Teen's Guide to the Mysteries of Her Body
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Yes! I stopped using hormonal birth control after reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility over the summer. The FAM works. I'm have a four year science degree and am a practicing Registered Nurse and I can't believe how much I didn't know about my own body.
ReplyDeleteHey Julie! It really is crazy how much we don't know... how much we aren't told. I definitely want to help change this in any way I can for my daughters generation! <3
Deletediaphragm worked for me back in the 80's, but I'm going to get the book for my daughter.
ReplyDeleteGreat. I want to get the book, too. For my daughter. :)
DeleteA reason that is not touched on here, but is of even more importance than those listed, is that of the god's intention for sex in a relationship. Using FAM solely, there is that openness (some may falsely call it risk) to the possibilty of childbirth. It makes sex sexy, powerful and meaningful when both parties are aware of this beautiful function of sex... the original function. This isn't to say that everyone having sex should have babies, it can be easily avoided with FAM method. But to shut off the body with pills or condoms puts up a spiritual barrier in that moment of divine union and ultimate trust between two people.
ReplyDeleteYou do realize that not everyone is religious, right?
DeleteWhich is the reason "god's intention" wasn't touched on or viewed as important in this article.
#6 - Catholic guilt.
DeleteWith religious controversy over contraceptive coverage in the news, more people are taking another look at natural methods for religious reasons. Then when they try it, they find many of the benefits in the article.
Conversely, people who try FAM for strictly health reasons often find that there is a spiritual side to it. Many couples have said that "making the switch" has brought them closer together. First, you're not fighting your bodies. Second, it definitely helps you communicate about some very intimate topics.
http://www.thebillingsovulationmethod.org/ I used the Billings Ovulation Method for years. I had issues with the pill. When I went off the pill, I was taught the BOM by a nun that worked with teenage pregnant girls - god has a sense of humor. For me the BOM fit my life style and values. It helped me get my body back on track and is very empowering. When I was ready to get pregnant, I was successful the very first attempt using the BOM, which was a shock b/c I knew so many couples struggling with fertility issues and I was older. I think it is important for women to understand their bodies and how hormones impact health.
ReplyDeleteyou should advocate the cooper IUD!
ReplyDeleteYeah, and if the strings break or "get lost", which isn't an uncommon problem, the IUD has to be surgically removed.
DeleteAs a former copper IUD user, I can say that it was by far my worst birth control experience. If it wasn't unbearable cramps, it was unmanageably heavy bleeding for prolonged periods of time. I have tried every birth control option in the book and natural family planning really is the best option (for someone that intends on following the method carefully)
DeleteWouldn't touch that one, either. For one thing, I think it would _totally_ freak me out to have a foreign object in my body; just knowing it's there.
DeleteAlso - the copper IUD is preventing a fertilized egg from implanting. Goes against my ethics. So... at least a big double-no right there.
I could also do without more cramping and even heavier bleeding (after two very wanted, longed for babies). ;-)
IUDs seem to be the 'it' thing right now, but they aren't for everyone. Some people are sensitive to metal in their bodies--probably caused that bleeding. When I was on the mini pill I ended up having two long periods each cycle. The hormonal IUD uses progesterone like the mini pill, so I'm leery of it. At least you can stop a pill without having to see your doctor.
DeleteI did this very thing. I wasn't comfortable with the risks of taking hormonal birth control after the first three years. I also have ethical objections to IUDs as someone who is strongly pro-life (it prevents implantation). Furthermore, the IUD has some very serious risks, like uterine perforation. Natural is the way to go.
ReplyDeleteIf you think people have trouble being on the pill, try coming off after being on for years. I didn't realize the damage and thought I did "well" on the pill until I came off and then I realized how bad it was for my body to have been on the pill for 15 years. Three years later, I am still recovering.
ReplyDeleteYes, great article. I ended up with a yeast infection for some time after 2 years on the pill. I now regret ever using it and would not recommend it to anyone>
ReplyDeleteThank you thank you thank you ! I've been so burdened about the pill I'm taking yet after 3 kids all 2 years apart, I felt I had no better choice. I'm going to look into these books and FOR SURE get enrolled in this class. Wonderful information!
ReplyDeleteI've tried this but never could get the hang of it. I have wacky cycle and all things related to them in general though bouncing between 20 day and 50 day cycles.
ReplyDeleteIs anyone using the FAM with diaphragm or cervical cap as extra protection?
ReplyDeleteGreat article! I wish I had known the difference between FAM and the rhythm method when I was young and not ready to start a family yet. I hated being on the Pill.
ReplyDeleteI take a birth control pill continuously for endometriosis. Mine is very bad and the pill is the only thing that helped me. It feels like I am giving birth for 14 days out of the month and I end up in the hospital without the pill. I wonder if anyone has found a natural way to deal with endometriosis? I could have surgery but have been told the growths will grow back. I don't like what I am hearing about birth control and would love to stop taking it but I feel like my quality of life is being affected negatively by endometriosis. Anyone else?
ReplyDeleteI also have Endometriosis but have been using a progesterone supplement to help with the pain, it was suggested to me by a homeopathic dr and has worked well for me when I am able to keep track of when to use the cream. I would recommend looking into it
DeleteGreat post.........Fertility is the natural capability to produce offspring. As a measure, fertility rate is the number of offspring born per mating pair, individual or population.acupuncture in la jolla
ReplyDeleteNuvaRing is a essential and safe treatments recommended by medical experts.