These Days (learning to live in "the present")

These days life seems too busy to stop to take a moments time to think. 

Life has been so busy, busy, busy with traveling and visiting family. When we are not traveling, we are busy, busy, busy packing the summer into mason jars or spreading in onto drying trays.

Since moving to the farm it has been extremely difficult to stay connected to this part of my life-- the part where I sit back, reflect on the weeks or months work and tell you a little about it. The part where I get to sit sans-baby girl and just sip a cup of coffee or tea and edit photos and write little notes about our little lives that won't change history, make history, or even the evening news. But they are important. Very important. It's the little things, the every day ins and outs that shape our lives, make us who we are make our child who she will be.

Here is a little of what those things look like... the every day things. The things we've been busy with these days.

These days we've been eating lots of berries.

Lots. And lots. Of berries.

These days we've been enjoying the sunshine.

These days we've been bottling that sunshine in mason jars to save for winter. And tasting it with our spoon.

These days we've been finding our voice. It is strong and powerful and very loud if we want it to be. Sometimes these days momma has a headache. A good way to know if she has one or not is to see whether or not this look is on my face.

But all the time these days she still loves me no matter what. Every day when I am awake she loves me. She also loves me when I'm like this.

These days I've been going on adventures with papa.

These days I've been reading with grandma. As we've all been learning to love the "present".

These days are going by so fast. I can't believe that fall is so near. I can almost hear her whisper "Are you ready yet? I am coming. Have you done all the things you meant to do with the sun upon your back? Are you ready yet? Because ready or not, here I come".

Oh, Fall. Yes, we are ready. There is so much to do with you, too. So many apples to taste. Pears to put by. Sauce to simmer. Yes, we are ready. 

Are you enjoying these last days of summer? What are you busy with?

Shared on: Our Delightful Home, Nap Time Creations, New Nostalgia, Traditional Tuesdays

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