How to Cook Oatmeal the Right Way

After I gave you my recipe for Oatmeal Pancakes a couple people asked me how I prepare my oatmeal to begin with. Sorry, should have thought about that first. Before you have leftovers from making oatmeal you need to have... oatmeal. 

This is how I prepare my oatmeal. This recipe is super simple, nutritious and delicious. It is borrowed from Nourishing Traditions.

Basic Oatmeal

You Will Need:

1 cup organic oats
2 tbs acidic agent (e.g., yogurt, whey, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, kombucha, etc)
2 cups filtered water (separated)

Place oatmeal in a small bowl. Mix in 1 cup warm filtered water and 2 tbs acidic agent (I typically use yogurt). Leave in a warm place overnight. 

The following morning, bring one cup water to a boil in small pan. Add in your pre-soaked oats. Cook over medium to low heat until all the water is absorbed (or to your preferred texture). Stir constantly to prevent burning. 



  1. I heard a tip that if you have trouble with the "tart" taste in your oatmeal... start with just a teaspoon of acidic agent and work up to more. This worked for us. :)

  2. Hello. My research indicated that there is not enough phytase to break down the phytic acid in the oatmeal. To overcome this, 1 Tbsp of buckwheat flour could be added (this is already a scaled back amount since they used 2 Tbsp buckwheat flour to 2 cups of oats). Also, my research indicated that a dairy acidic medium inhibits the phytic acid breakdown so I've used fresh lemon juice or ACV. I just wanted to share this information. I came across it from Ann Marie and Sally Fallon, .... so much info out there on the web!


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