The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care (Review and Giveaway)

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Most people have that one book. That one book that changed their life forever. For me, that book is Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon Morell. This should deservedly be called a chef d'oeuvre. It is a masterpiece, a work of art, an in-depth science, history, and anthropology lesson all rolled into one. It is all those things as well as an excellent cookbook. I have been independently studying nutrition for over six years now as a result of discovering this book.

See it on Amazon.

My one complaint about Morell's book? When I became pregnant there was not a large section on pregnancy and postpartum care. Therefore, you can imagine my excitement when I learned that Morell was writing a second book just on baby and child care. I couldn't wait to get my hands on it.

Yet, The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care was not anything like I had expected. I expected a book similar to Nourishing Traditions but specifically geared to babies. I expected an awesome cookbook that also contained lots of other information. That's not what this book is at all. There are barely even any recipes. This book took me by surprise, but in a very, very good way. 

This book takes you by the hand and helps guide you through parenting choices that exist all the way starting with preconception to adulthood--including covering controversial topics like vaccines, autism, and birth control. This book is steeped in the philosophy of Rudolph Steiner, which whether or not you agree with his philosophy provides fascinating food for thought. This book is incredibly well-researched. It contains an impressive amount of references for every chapter and study cited as well as helpful "further reading" suggestions.

The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care covers a vast array of information and will most likely take any reader a while to digest. I would highly recommend buying it before you are pregnant so you can contemplate more of the information, but reading it and having it on hand for any stage of parenthood will be helpful. I plan on keeping mine handy to reference for at least the next 17 years....

For any parent, or couple looking to get pregnant, that is an excellent book to read together before you conceive or add to your family. In this book Morell spends a good amount of time talking about the importance of the fertility diet for both parents, as well as foods for optimal fetal development and healthy pregnancy for mother and baby.

Morell goes step-by-step through every newborn intervention (including cord clamping eye drops, shots, circumsision, etc.) a parent will encounter in a conventional birth setting and talks about each one in what I found to be a very balanced, rational manner. In the next section of her book, Morell examines the controversial vaccination debate with a clear head and lots of helpful information. She does not pass judgment on a parent's decision, and instead concludes this section by providing helpful tips for those looking to vaccinate on schedule, minimally, or not at all. 

Next, Morrell steps into the world of new motherhood and addresses issues regarding lactation and provides tips and solutions to common problems. She provides support emotionally as well as practically through her recipe for homemade formula. She then examines other issues surrounding new babies including the importance of touch, how to decide what diapers to use, how to deal with rashes, thoughts on sleeping arrangement and SIDS as well as much more. 

This book goes beyond just baby care and addresses issues that arise when raising children of all ages. Morell examines optimal nutrition for kids at different stages of development, talks about the importance of play for brain development, and addresses the controversial issues of child spacing and birth control, as well as providing solutions for dealing with the common illnesses of childhood, addresses the all too common issues of allergies, asthma and eczema and the tragic increase in neurological disorders in children and young adults

And after all of this, the book has recipes. 

As I stated previously, I would highly recommend couples read this book together before getting pregnant. But, it will make a wonderful addition to your home no matter what stage your family is at even if you have toddlers, teens, or adult children. I wish every home had a copy of this book. 

I plan on keeping mine around for a long time... that is, provided I can remember who I have loaned it to... 

You can help support the blog and buy the book on Amazon hereOr, if you are feeling lucky, you can enter the giveaway below. A big thank you to Sally Fallon Morell herself for giving away a copy of her book to one lucky reader. 
Wanting to learn more about how to nourish your growing family? 

Here are a few more books I highly recommend:

See it on Amazon.
Real Food for Mother and Baby: The Fertility Diet, Eating for Two and Baby's First Foods was written by Nina Planck, well-known author of the revolutionary book, Real FoodPlanck wrote Mother and Baby as a response to the lack of helpful information available for mothers looking to raise healthy babies. This book is simple, straight-forward and full of information. Planck's lays out her vast knowledge in an approachable manner with a large dose of down-to-earth humor. (Read my full review of Planck's book here.)

See it on Amazon.

Beautiful Babies: Nutrition for Fertility, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Baby's First Foods was written by Kristen Michaelis author of the popular blog Food Renegade. Michaelis explains the problems with modern nutrition , but provides simple solutions. This book also contains wonderful recipes and simple shopping guidelines for any experience or financial level. (Read my full review of Michaelis' book here.)

See it on Amazon.

Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon is a veritable tome. This book belongs in every home. The knowledge that Fallon presents is life-changing. This book is incredibly well-researched. Fallon dispels the myth that a low-fat diet is healthy, instead arguing that traditional animal fats and cholesterol are vital nutrients for us, for our children, and for our children's children.

See it on Amazon.

Super Nutrition for Babies: The Right Way to Feed Your Baby for Optimal Health written by Katherine Erlich (M.D.) and Kelly Genzlinger (C.N.C/C.M.T.A) goes a step beyond the aforementioned books and provides a step-by-step approach to nutrition for every stage of a child's development. The authors present their information in a digestible manner without being overwhelming. This is the sort of book a parent will want to keep around to use as a reference throughout babies first two years. (Read my full review of this book here.)
(Note: this post contains affiliate links. Meaning, if you shop after clicking on one, you just might be helping to support my blogging endeavors. Thank you!) 


  1. I have the Nourishing Traditions book sitting next to me, I borrowed it from the library and it's now on my amazon wish list. I am considering pursuing becoming a doula and would love to have this book on my shelf. Not to mention for any future pregnancies of my own!

  2. Oh My!! I am SO excited to hear about this book! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!!

  3. i try to live healthy and definitely want my baby (due in may) to be just as healthy.

  4. I would love to have this book! I've had my eye on since before it was released, and I love Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions book, so I'm sure I'd love this one as well!

  5. I would love to own a copy of the Nourishing Traditions book for baby and children as it will help guide me in living and providing a more natural lifestyle and approach with our children (11&8) and our new baby(5months)!

  6. I have her other book and love all the information in it. Would love to win this book!

  7. I want to read more of Sally Fallon's books and am very curious as to what she has to say about babys.

  8. new g-baby..hard to share what little I know with a new mother..a good book would cover it all and help them off to a great start...

  9. I have struggled with infertility and PCOS through the years which I have learned to regulate through diet, nutrition, and herbal medicines!! Have wanted this book for the last year, and TTC these days will be a must have!

  10. You introduced nourishing traditions to my Mom and she showed it to me and now i have a copy and it's definitely changed my views on nutritionas a well. Would love this book too!

  11. Thanks for the giveaway! I would like to follow you thru e-mail if that is an option :)
    I don't do facebook-sorry.

  12. I'm expecting in April. I would love to read this book.

  13. I'm an information and nutrition junky this would be a wonderful addition to my library!

  14. I'm an information and nutrition junky this would be a wonderful addition to my library!

  15. I am so inspired by your review of this book and I would love to win it! I own a copy of Nourishing Traditions and haven't cracked into it yet, but because of what you shared, I am starting today! Thank you.

  16. My sister is 5 months pregnant and I would love to give this to her as a gift.

  17. I love baby books, and I'm curious about this approach. I have read NT; I'm not convinced, but I find the ideas interesting.

  18. I'm not convinced by NT yet, but I am curious. And I love baby books!

  19. I love baby books, and I'm curious about this approach. I have read NT; I'm not convinced, but I find the ideas interesting.

  20. I love the original book and have been eyeing this one. Would love to win this to read about feeding my toddler! Were you on the Today show?! I saw your instagram post.

  21. I've read Nourishing Traditions and find it fascinating! I'm excited to see what is contained in this book!

  22. This is a comment on the picture that states "skin and brain develop from the same embryonic tissues...when we stimulate baby's skin through touch, we stimulate brain development." This statement is misleading and partially inaccurate. While both the brain and skin develop from the ectodermal germ layer, by the time a baby is born the embryonic tissues are well differentiated so that skin and brain are no longer developmentally linked. Touching skin doesn't stimulate a baby's brain because of some embryonic link - just any sort of sensory input in general (touch, vision, hearing, etc) stimulates brain development!

  23. I would really love to have a copy of this book. So glad I found your website :D

  24. I would really love to have this book... so glad I discovered your website :D

  25. I'm so glad I found your blog!

  26. I'm so glad I found your blog!

  27. Did not know about this book. Have read Weston price and Sally fallon books. Would love this one for me as a mother to my healthy little girl.

  28. Woot woot! I love a giveaway. Louise Country store on FB sent me over and I'm in love. I own Nourishing Traditions but didn't even realize there was a baby version! With a 2 month old at home I'd totally love it!

  29. mmmm, looks like a thought provoking book!

  30. Um, I actually have need for this book right now, and I already love (and own) Nourishing Traditions.

  31. I have the nourishing traditions cookbook, but its a little overwhelming. I would love this book.

  32. I found your blog today, ten minutes ago, from Red and Honeys post about you being mocked in tv. How awful! So glad I have found this blog, will read it back in time now :)
    And the book sounds amazing :)

  33. I would love to win this book because I am always trying to find new ways to live live naturally!

  34. I would like to win this book because I am a mother and know I would learn a ton from this book. I am in the process of completely changing our life over to traditional living / eating. Also, I am in the process of becoming a lactation consultant and hope to become a doula as well. So owning this book would be huge! Thanks for a great giveaway and I am excited to explore your blog and pinterest! So much great info!!!

  35. To try to heel my 2yo who has neuroblastome cancer!

  36. I would love a copy of this book as I'm ready for baby#2!

  37. I would love to win this book! I'm pregnant with my 7 child with a boyfriend who doesnt have any kids yet, my first husband passed away 4 years ago and i met a man who didn't bat an eye at all 6 of my kids. This book would be great to have for him to read as its his first time being a dad.

  38. My husband and I are planning on trying for a baby soon! This would be a HUGE blessing! Thanks for the opportunity! P.S. Found your blog over all the drama surrounding your hair. ;) You are an inspiration!

  39. I have the Nourishing Traditions book and would absolutely love this book to go along with it!

  40. I've borrowed this book from the library, and love it. Would be great to have my own copy.

  41. I am glad to getting informative article form here. This is really very nice and useful information for all pulse size women who like to book.

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  42. I would love to add this book to my doula library to help new moms!!

  43. I'd love to win the book, but mainly I'm here to support you and a natural way of life!!

  44. I would love this book because I'm just beginning the Whole Food journey and need all the help I can get :)

  45. I'm enjoying Nourishing Traditions as well. The authors give me many well-researched topics to think through.


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